The Balanced Capitalism Plan

Initial Goals

> Establish a website to educate the general public about the PLAN.

> Build support for the PLAN.

"Justice cannot be for one side alone but must be for both."  Eleanor Roosevelt

"Every problem will have a solution if we are diligent and determined to find it."  Alexander Hamilton

"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."  Alexander Hamilton

Be it resolved the stock market is comprised of two markets – the primary and secondary market.

Be it resolved the stock market is comprised of three major groups of players – net winners, net losers and public corporations.

Be it resolved all share capital collected by public corporations is generated in the primary market once initial and secondary issued stock offerings are sold at their initial and secondary public offering prices. The net loser player group ultimately pays for all share capital.  

Be it resolved all the stock sold by public corporations in the primary market is then traded in the secondary market between the net winner and net loser player groups.  

Be it resolved the net loser player group has the dual financial burdens of paying for all share capital generated in the primary market and all net winnings* generated in the secondary market. The net loser player group ultimately pays for every transaction in the stock market. Whereas once trading activity ceases each day, the net winner player group ultimately pays for no stock transactions and is out no money from its stock trading activity.

Be it resolved the market capitalization of the entire U.S. equity market was over $44 trillion on January 7, 2024, as measured by the Wilshire 5000 index. This figure represents the total market value of outstanding stock currently traded in the U.S. stock market. The net loser player group pays for this total market capitalization.

Be it resolved the PLAN was constructed on the premise of 50% equity = equality.

Be it resolved diversity, equity and inclusion are wholly incorporated into the PLAN.

Be it resolved the PLAN will offer a financial leg up to eliminate poverty, to raise the standard of living and to provide other needed social benefits to the lower and middle class in America without raising taxing.

Capitalism vs Balanced Capitalism:

Capitalism incentivizes people and businesses to maximize the amount of money they earn through competition. Competition drives innovation as individuals create ways to accomplish tasks more efficiently. (

However, capitalism does not provide for the many millions of Americans who lack competitive and/or business skills including the elderly, children, the physically and mentally disabled, stay at-home moms or dads, caregivers, the homeless, the marginalized, etc. Many salaried Americans like teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses, gig workers, government workers, etc., may be competitive within their chosen fields but not in business. Wages in the US have stagnated since the early 1970s. Labor strikes and bargaining agreements are often the only hope of gaining an increase in wages and benefits. Starting a successful long-term business takes an entrepreneurial talent and skill set a vast majority of Americans are not inclined or equipped to undertake for a host of varied reasons. To keep society functioning, capitalism requires government policies that value individuals and families. Despite the idea of a level playing field, capitalism does not promote equality of opportunity. That is why capitalism needs to be balanced for the lower and middle class to truly reap the benefits of the American capitalist dream. The economic system needs to work for all Americans.

People are the main driver of economic growth. Therefore, when people's needs and wants are catered to, the economy will benefit, and the capitalist system will remain in balance.  (

In trying to determine the total net winnings in the secondary U.S. market, we found the financial data needed is not available. Using the following formula:

Total Stock Market Net Winnings = Total U.S. Market Capitalization – Total Issued Share Capital

After correctly accessing the total U.S. Stock Market Capitalization, AI Bing Co-Pilot indicated, “I do not have access to real-time data on the exact total issued share capital”. Therefore, gleaning the total amount of money the net loser player group must pay out to cover the total net winnings in the secondary market is unknown data at this time.